Is it Too Late for Senior Photography This Year?

senior portrait

Is it Too Late for Senior Photography This Year?

Do I Need a Senior Portrait?

Senior photography is a great way to capture an important moment in time as your child prepares to leave home for the first time. It represents an important milestone in life and it’s a celebration of what’s to come. It is also a way to celebrate all of your child’s accomplishments in their academic career up to this point. Senior portraits tend to bring both happy and sad tears, but it’s sure to be a cherished memento for years to come.

When Should you Take Senior Photos?

Usually, senior photography is scheduled for the spring or summer before the fall of your senior year. From March to May, the temperatures are usually comfortable, and it’s ideal to get senior photos done early so it’s one less thing to worry about when you’re a senior. The flowering trees and lush green backgrounds are perfect for senior portraits. However, despite the heat in the summer, your teen will have a lot more flexibility with their schedule. From June to August, you will have warm weather which allows you to wear nearly any outfit. Also, wildflowers and sunflowers are still in bloom, and the days are much longer with the sun setting late so you have plenty of time to take advantage of great sunset pictures. In addition, if you take senior portraits in the spring or summer, you will meet your yearbook deadlines, which are usually in the fall.

Is it Too Late for Senior Photography if I’m Graduating this Spring?

At Natalie Roberson Photography, we have seen students book their senior photography sessions any time from the beginning of their junior year to their freshman year of college. Because the purpose of senior photos is to capture you at this moment in time and to celebrate your potential for the future, exactly when you pose for senior portraits is not terribly important. If you are graduating this spring, you can still make an appointment to pose for senior photos. The important thing is that you capture this moment in time to keep as a memento for the future.

How Long do Senior Portraits Take?

Senior photography sessions usually take about one to two hours to shoot. The professionals at Natalie Roberson Photography have some great ideas for outdoor photos if that is your preference, but we also have a beautiful studio for indoor shots. We take a variety of pictures in different poses so that you can pick the ones that you think make you look best. We also build in time for wardrobe changes.
senior portraits

What do you Bring to a Senior Photography Session?

It’s helpful for guys and girls to bring a variety of freshly-ironed outfits in mostly solid colors to senior photography sessions. For instance, you can bring something classic that your parents will love, a trendy outfit you love, and then maybe an outfit that reflects one of your interests such as a sports uniform or dance costume. It’s recommended that guys bring an ironed shirt and tie. For ladies, it’s helpful to bring extra make-up and jewelry and make sure your fingernails and toenails are freshly painted. We also recommend that all of our senior portrait customers bring a prop that is important to you such as a yearbook, sports-related item, or musical instrument.

Can I Take My Own Senior Photography?

GirlThis is the time in your life that you want to capture exquisitely. Most people can easily distinguish between an amateur photo versus a professional portrait. There are a few reasons to consider investing in professional senior photography. First of all, this is a reward for all the hard work you have done in your academic career so far. Also, senior pictures express the unique individual that you are and what makes you “you.” Senior portraits are a keepsake that you will have forever and something you can always look back on. The professionals at Natalie Roberson Photography will know the best poses, lighting, and angles to make you look your absolute best. Senior portraits also make excellent gifts for proud parents, grandparents, and family members.

What is the Best Way to Take Senior Pictures?

The award-winning professionals at Natalie Roberson Photography have over ten years experience in creating high-quality photographs. Natalie and her staff work hard to create a special experience and to make their customers feel cared for during the process. They are extremely organized and well prepared for each photo shoot and are dedicated to giving you many wonderful images to choose from. Natalie and her team have built a great reputation in the area a – Read our reviews to find out why we have earned 4.9 out of 5 stars! Call Natalie Roberson Photography to schedule your senior photography photo shoot today.